Medical Malpractice Attorney

Leading Illinois Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Illinois medical malpractice lawyer litigates lawsuits based on the negligent conduct of doctors, nurses, dentists, therapists, technicians, and other medical professionals. Medical errors have unfortunately become one of the leading causes of death in America today.

Similarly, medical negligence in general has become the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. In addition, there are serious surgical errors committed on a daily basis that leave people permanently disabled, and can even lead to wrongful death.

When you place your trust in doctors and other healthcare providers, and they cause you harm, you should speak with one of our experienced Illinois medical practice attorneys right away to find out what your rights and options are.

What is Medical Malpractice? How Does it Occur?

As a legal cause of action, medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional causes an injury to a patient by deviating from the normal standard of care in that field, procedure, etc. The most common medical malpractice claims that we see on a regular basis include the following:

  • Anesthesia errors;

  • Childbirth/birth injuries;

  • Misdiagnosis/failure to diagnose/delayed diagnosis;

  • Prescription errors; and

  • Surgical errors.

In order to successfully bring a claim for medical malpractice, you must establish that there was a doctor-patient relationship, that the doctor or healthcare professional was negligent, that this negligence caused your injury, and you suffered damages as a result.

Medical Malpractice is Not Limited to Doctors

If you are successful in bringing a medical malpractice claim, you can seek damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and even punitive damages if a jury determines that the defendant engaged in especially egregious or reckless conduct.

You and your Illinois medical malpractice lawyer can also work to recover additional non-economic damages, such as loss of enjoyment of life and loss of companionship. Medical malpractice claims are often not only against the individual doctors, but against the hospital or practice to which they belong.

One common misconception associated with medical malpractice claims is that they can only be brought against doctors. Conversely, malpractice includes any healthcare providers, such as nurses and therapists, as well.

Note that, if you, as the patient, contributed to your injury or harm in any way, you can still successfully bring your claim against the medical provider; your damages will simply be reduced by any percentage of fault you are found to have.

Steps to Take:

There are a number of important steps you should follow if you are interested in suing a medical provider and/or hospital for medical malpractice, including:

  • Documenting the process: Your symptoms, injuries, medical expenses, etc. Always make sure that you obtain comprehensive medical records tracking your care and every possible detail;

  • Consulting an experienced medical malpractice attorney early on in the process so that you know what evidence to gather and what to expect from the process in general; and

  • Becoming familiar with other information we have included here, such as how quickly you need to act as soon as you realize you have been harmed so as to preserve your right to bring a claim.

How do I Hire an Illinois Medical Malpractice Lawyer?

One of your first steps—after receiving any necessary medical treatment—is to engage in a legal FREE CONSULTATION with a medical malpractice lawyer in Illinois to find out if you have a case, what your options are, and what is the best way to move forward in order to accomplish your goals. You never want to negotiate directly with the medical provider’s insurance company, as the bottom line for all insurance companies is always to minimize your settlement offer.

How Quickly Must I Act?

Illinois has a two-year statute of limitations, whereby any legal action alleging malpractice must be filed within two years “after the cause of action accrues.” This is somewhat confusing, as, for example, it may take a patient more than two years to discover that his or her doctor failed to diagnose a condition and that it is now too late to do so. In order to accommodate these cases, you are allotted two years from discovering that you suffered an injury to file your claim.

Contact Our Illinois Medical Malpractice Lawyer to Find Out More

When filing a medical malpractice claim, you want to make sure that you work with someone who has experience in the field and connections to the right experts who can successfully prove in court that your medical provider failed to provide the appropriate standard of care.

At Owaynat Law, our mission is to provide the very best in legal advice, guidance, and representation for victims of medical malpractice here in Illinois. Contact us today by calling (773) 645-9997 or fill this form for a FREE CONSULTATION and find out how we can help you and your family fight for the compensation you deserve.

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