Car Crash Attorney

Leading Illinois Car Crash Lawyer

At Owaynat law, our attorneys specialize in handling and trying personal injury cases in court.
Given how technology is moving at rapid pace, these days more than ever, people are more prone to distractions while on the road. This makes car crashes an unfortunate, but common occurrence. At Owaynat law, we understand how to take care of the people that put their trust in us after they have been seriously injured, and in some sad cases, died as the result of another negligent driver.
We make it our mission to help those in need and we really take their injuries personal, as if it were our own brother or sister that was injured, and that’s what sets us apart from the rest.

Car Crash Cases Are All Too Common in Illinois

Illinois car crashes are more common than you might think. In its yearly motor vehicle crash report, the Illinois Department of Transportation stated that 127,064 Illinois motor vehicle Crashes took place in 2017. Over 1,000 people died, and 55,474 people became injured as a result of these Crashes.

The most common causes of traffic crash fatalities in Illinois include the following:

  • Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol

  • Speeding

  • Reckless driving

  • Not wearing a seat belt

  • Texting or operating a tech device while driving

The data from the Illinois Department of Transportation’s most recent report showed that car Crashes spike during the morning and afternoon commute times during the weekdays. On the weekends, Crashes spike at night between 6 and 9 p.m. Crashes in which at least one driver drove while intoxicated caused 435 deaths in 2017. Impaired driving when at least one party drove with drugs or alcohol in their bloodstream accounted for one third of all fatal Crashes.

What Do I Need to Demonstrate to Succeed in a Illinois Car Crash Case?

Auto crash lawsuits fall within the area of personal injury law under the larger umbrella of tort law. To bring a car crash lawsuit in Illinois, you must demonstrate that someone owed a duty of reasonable care to you and then breached that duty with a negligent or reckless action or failure to act. Drivers on the road always owe a duty of reasonable care to other drivers on the road; thus you will mainly need to prove that the other driver breached this duty by acting negligently or recklessly when driving or by failing to act in a reasonable manner while driving.

What are Some Examples of Negligent Behavior When Driving in Illinois?

To act negligently means that someone acted without the reasonable care that an ordinary person would use under the circumstances. This can include such as actions as:

  • Speeding or driving too slowly.

  • Cutting other cars off when changing lanes.

  • Not signaling when turning.

  • Driving through a stop sign or stop light.

  • Not accounting for dangerous traffic or weather conditions when driving.

  • Not driving on the correct side of the road.

  • Improper merging on the freeway.

  • Not maintaining your car or motorcycle when that maintenance issue contributes to an crash.

What are Examples of Reckless Driving in Illinois?

Reckless behavior comes with a higher burden of proof. To prove that someone’s driving was reckless, the plaintiff must show that the other driver had a willful disregard for the possibility that his or her reckless driving could injure someone.

Causation in Car Crash Injury Lawsuits

In addition to demonstrating that the other driver acted negligently or recklessly, the plaintiff must show that the negligent or reckless driving caused his or her injuries. In other words, the victim must show that, but for the negligence of the other driver, he or she would not have been injured.

What Damages Can an Illinois Car Crash Victim Receive?

We help our clients accurately demonstrate the severity of their injuries through the use of expert medical and financial analysts. In Illinois, a court will award successful plaintiff-specific damages for quantifiable economic losses such as medical costs, the cost of hospitalization, the loss of past, present, and future earnings, and ongoing treatment costs.

A court will also award a successful plaintiff non-economic damages to compensate for suffering, disfigurement, loss of affection, loss of pleasure in a relationship, pain, suffering, and discomfort caused by the crash.

Choose an Experienced and Trusted Car Crash Lawyer in Illinois.

In most auto crash cases, Illinois allows the plaintiff two years in which to file an auto crash lawsuit. If you do not file within the prescribed time, your claim will be time-barred.

At Owaynat Law, our Illinois-based personal injury lawyers advise potential clients to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with us as soon as possible after the crash so we can start investigating their car crash and developing the best strategy possible for the case. Call us today at (773) 645-9997 or fill this form to discuss your Illinois car crash case.

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